
Showing posts from September, 2018

Thomas Orths Announces the Launch of Global Village Leaders

Thomas Orths, Strategic Consultant, and High-Performance Coach announces the launch of Global Village Leaders, which gives leader across the globe an opportunity to step up and reach the next level. Global Village Leaders is a place to co-create, peer-to-peer coaching, share ideas and experience to make a difference. As the founder of Global Village Leaders, Thomas Orths believes that greatness can be achieved through diversity and alignment, uniting successful people in collaboration and building a strong cohesion. A Native American Indians proverb says that “No tree would be so foolish to allow its leaves to fight amongst themselves.” This quote greatly influenced Thomas to create Global Village Leaders and continue his mission.  With a strong background in visual communication, sales & marketing, leadership & management, mindset change and cross-cultural awareness, Mr. Orths is in demand as Consultant,  Corporate Performance Coach  & Trainer, Executive Mentor a